Dorothy Roberts joins the We Be Imagining podcast to talk about ending family regulation systems.

Listen to the episode


“There’s no democracy at play [online] because people in minoritized groups will never have the majority click power.”

UCLA Associate Professor, author of Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Noble joins the WBI show to discuss the mythologies of commercial search engines and digital redlining.

Listen to the episode

In partnership with community-based organizations in New York City, We Be Imagining represents an effort to co-create a more inclusive knowledge ecosystem—to expand the parameters of what it means to assemble and of who ought to be heard. Fostering trust in democratic society requires repairing relationships with historically excluded communities and integrating multiple ways of knowing into the reimagining of our institutions. 

Current projects include the WBI Podcast examining surveillance, tech and data policy in the COVID-19 era, Black Siren Radio, a partnership with WKCR interweaving Black music and frontline reporting to curate a soundtrack for the current political moment and finally, the WBI Incubator for experimental digital storytelling and science communication.


“It’s a resistance that accepts that if the future is to belong to us, we have to take it.”


On today's episode of Black Siren Radio, we have music, commentary, and an interview with Zenzelè Cooper, who walks us through the history of the Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn, and describes its significance to ongoing struggles for Black liberation.

Explore more Black Siren Radio


You Are Holding This

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You Are Holding This: an abolitionist zine for and by adopted and fostered people is an invitation for folks directly impacted by systems of family regulation, policing, and surveillance within the Child Welfare Industrial Complex to gather our creative expressions and to know one another. In thinking about abolition we desire to be in relationship with, and draw connection to the work and lineage of other abolitionist movements (against prisons, police of all kinds, death penalty, borders, and more.) The only theme is abolition.

The zine is being sold for $5 a copy + shipping to support printing, and to support future issues. Issue 001 features the expressions of kimura byol-nathalie lemoine, Daniel Drennen El Awar, X, BreAnne Carolina Vinchattle Huircán, Leah Nichols, and Benjamin Lundberg Torres Sánchez on a two-sided, full-color broadsheet with cover art by Leah Nichols.

The 2nd Edition of 200 zines is now available!

Pre-order Issue 001 of You Are Holding This: an abolitionist zine for and by adopted and fostered people.

HitchHiker Event

HitchHiker is a chrome extension for creating live performances inside other people's internet browsers. It was developed by experimental digital artist Todd Anderson. Using HitchHiker, you can lead a tour for any section of the internet, assemble a protest group to vandalize corporate home pages, interrogate our relationship to social media or online shopping, even create a collaborative interactive mystery or invent your own new style of performance the world has never seen before.

Watch the recording of the event.



Lorem Ipsum


Weekly radio show on WCKR inter weaving Black music and frontline reporting.

Lorem Ipsum


Examining the intersection of race, tech, surveillance, gender and disability.

Lorem Ipsum


Providing a platform and funding for novel ideas for online interaction.

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