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Shadow Libraries is large-scale comparative research project on the provision of educational materials in higher education, with a focus on how students get the materials they need. The study explored the changing roles of publishers, universities, faculty, and students in this ecosystem and--in particular--the large-scale practices of informal copying and sharing of materials that underpin the expansion of global higher education.  The core work focuses on Brazil, India, South Africa, Russia, Poland, Argentina, Uruguay, and the United States. A free-to-download (CC-licensed) book, Shadow Libraries was published by MIT Press in 2018.


Washington Post: "Russia is building a new Napster — but for academic research," By Joe Karaganis and Balazs Bodo (July 13th, 2018)

Jornal do Brasil: "Entrevista - Joe Karaganis: pesquisador sustenta que pirataria é uma questão de preço," by André Duchiade (June 20th, 2018)



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2018. Joe Karaganis (ed.)

Shadow Libraries examines how students get the materials they need for their educations.

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